Sunday 29 September 2013

Medicinal Plants

Learn about some very common plants that you can use to treat simple illnesses.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Consciousness and the Expanding Earth Theory

By: Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5D

Many metaphysicians and scientists believe that our universe is expanding, so based on the premise, ‘As above, so below’, is it within the realm of possibility that Earth is expanding as well?

We also see an awakening of consciousness which reflects the premise of “As on the inside, so on the outside”. Is there a correlation between these two premises or is it simply a coincidence?

Neal Adams proposed an expanding earth theory in which the continents on this planet have moved due to the increasing size of the Earth.

Much of our recorded history has been tailored to keep us subservient and controlled while deterring us from questioning the origins of mankind and traditional science practices that are taught as “fact” in our educational systems.

Several questions that abound from the expanding earth theory would include:

* Where did all of the water come from?
* If the Earth is expanding, then are our days getting longer?

Many people have pondered why there are exactly 365.25 days in a year. According to Michael Tsarion’s research, the Earth originally had 360 days in a year, which would correlate to a circle containing 360 degrees. When the watery planet of Tiamat crashed into the Earth, it not only slowed down the Earth’s rotation to create 365.25 days in a year but also deposited a large amount of water on our planet, which may help to explain the Great Flood theories of virtually every culture. This collision is also said to be responsible for the asteroid belt.

If the Earth still had 360 days, then our astrological charts would be different. It is possible that over the course of time, the energies that you were born into would be different right now, as these energies are reflected on astrological positions at the moment of your birth. In other words, you may have incarnated to this planet under a different energy with various retrograde planets and reflected obstacles to overcome from these retrogrades. In either scenario, you agreed to come here and to face whatever challenges that you agreed upon in your soul contract.

Let’s remove the possibility that the Earth was hit by Tiamat.

There is an awakening of consciousness on our planet that is occurring in exponential proportions. As the Earth expands, is it possible that our consciousness is reflecting not only the expansion of our planet, but the universe as well? Even our physical bodies, in general, are growing larger and taller with each generation. Are these changes also reflective of an expanding earth and universe?

While it remains undetermined whether there is a correlation between our expanding consciousness and the expanding earth/universe, it remains a topic highly worth considering.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Super Psychic Kids, Are They Here To Change The World?

Over the last 20 years, teachers and child development specialists have reported a dramatic change in the children they deal with. 

These newer children grow up faster both physically and mentally. They tackle problems and school subjects in often unconventional ways and possess special, unusual and sometimes supernatural abilities, such as telepathy. These are the ‘New Children’. 

In recent decades, there has been much interest in the New Children, from both scientific and spiritual perspectives. Some argue they are here to assist humanity in a transition to a higher consciousness. 

They despise violence and instead lean toward compassion for suffering and misfortune. They often have a fascination with space and many feel a connection to other worlds. 

The New Children are also referred to as Star, Indigo, Rainbow or Crystal children, and these names are related to the colour in their auras, which are connected with the Third Eye’s frequency. 

Some believe the purpose of the New Children is to help the planet evolve spiritually by moving away from greed, corruption, and competition into a new way of living comprised of love, integrity, and cooperation. 

Experts and authors Lee Carroll and Jan Tober believe the supernatural children represent "perhaps the most exciting, albeit odd, change in basic human nature that has ever been observed and documented". 

According to Lee Carroll and Jan Tober the New Children are most often devoted to making people wake up to their highest and best potential, and often try to show others that the old systems of schooling, governance, parenting, and healthcare are not healthy and must change. 

Many professionals, child specialists and spiritual leaders believe the New Children phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species, and they are here to show us the way as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution. 

The New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children is a short documentary on the new generation of children known for their abilities. The documentary touches on both scientific and theoretical aspects of the topic. 


Indigo Children (